Sunday, February 3, 2008

Once upon a time...

There are a lot of stories that people create using their imaginatoin. They are not true, and very often cannnot happen in real life. Although, some of them are results of human activities which are written in order to provide future generations with good and useful advice.
Sometimes on Sundays we are going to church with my cousin. We would like to go there every Sunday. Usually it happens twice a month though (we are lazy and want to sleep till late during weekends). We went to church today in the morning where the priest told people a very interesting story. I want to write it in my blog as I think it's a really useful one for us, guys...
Once upon a time... In a nice town with a lot of green trees and colourful flowers lived a man who worked at the construction company. You ask if there were construction companies at that time? Don't ask, please, but read till the end. The man was almost at his age to be retired. He was tired of his job and didn't want to work any more. He dreamt to be ritered as soon as possible. His job was really important because he built houses for people. Therefore, the better quality of his job, the happier people would be in the future as they had a good and warm house.
It was Monday... The manager of the construction company came to the man and asked him to build one more house - the last one before being retired. He told that this house would be a home for a family with 3 kids that are poor, and asked him to do his best while building.. The man was upset and with every minute he became more and more angry. "Why should I? Oh no, I'm fed p with everything! I want to have a rest", he thought. He couldn't say 'no' to his manager though, so he promised to build a good and nice house.
On Tuesday he started his last job. He didn't know at that time it will be important for him but not for other people. He wasn't enthusiastic about building that house. As a result, he used the cheapest materials and did everything very quickly. Till the the next week he finished the house. The manager was shocked. "Oh, good job! You must have been working really hard", he sad. "I have good news for you. " The man was happy to hear that. "What kind of news? Tell me, tell me, please! " "You were a really good worker, and you always worked so hard. Our company is thankful for your devotion to what you have been doing. We decided to make a present for you: here's the key of the new and nice house you have recently built." .
And now it's time for us to think about everything we are doing for other people. Very often we don't know that we are doing that for ourselves.


We will,we will rock U!! said...

All things are mutually influenced according to physical laws.

By the way, I didn't invite any girls here to my home for that feast yesterday. 'Cause I don't know whom I can invite. Maybe I'll meet some Canadians after I go to my degree program...

Amin said...

I hope, but I can't see how that might happen.

Anonymous said...

Do you remember, Oksana, what Justin Timberlake sings in one of his songs about? "... What goes around - comes around..."
And it is true: "whatever we do to others - will be done to us."
But not everyone knows or maybe remembers this old bible proverb and lives his or her life by this "rule", unfortunately.

ku-med-na said...

it almost true story...
that's usually happens in our daily life...we try do our best for ourselves, in a better case for our family members or friends....but not for people that we don't even know!
There were so many situations in my life when you did smth good for somebody просто так... it will come to you back twice as good!!!
я люблю тебе сонечко!!!

Scott Douglas said...

That's kind of a cool story!

anna said...

Hi Oksana,
I have my uncle living in Ivano-Frankovsk. Before he retired he had been an eye surgeon.

anna said...

Sometimes to give is more pleasant than to recieve