Thursday, February 28, 2008
Who is more romantic: men or women?
Anyways, what I was thinking about today was romantism. Who is more romantic: men or woman. The first idea that came into my mind was WOMEN! For sure! They always want to have a romantic dinner, a romantic surprise, a bunch of flowers with a romantic note... However, after I read some articles on this topic, I found out that my first thought was completely wrong.
Who Falls In Love Faster? Men!In one study, seven hundred young lovers were asked, “How early did you realize you were in love?” Men fell in love faster. Before the fourth date, 20 percent of men had taken the tumble, whereas only 15 percent of the women realized Cupid had stung them; 43 percent of the women still didn’t know they were in love by the twentieth date, compared to only 30 percent of the men.Women are more cautious about getting involved.
Who Is More Idealistic About Love? Men!Another study determined that men had a far more idealistic and less practical view of love. Men were not nearly as concerned with a woman’s social position or how much money she made.More men felt that as long as two people truly love each other, they should have no trouble getting along in marriage.
Who Usually Initiates the Breakup? Women!A group of Harvard scientists vigilantly followed the affairs of 231 Boston couples. Of those who split up, usually it was the woman who suggested the separation. The men wanted to stick it out to the bitter end.
Who Suffers More From a Breakup? Men!The men felt lonelier, more depressed, unloved, and least free after a split. The men reported that they found it extremely hard to accept that they were no longer loved and that she had really gone. What disturbed them most was that they felt there was nothing they could do about it. They were plagued with the hope that if only they had said the right thing… done the right thing….In fact, three times as many men commit suicide after a disastrous love affair as women do.
Who Loves Their Lovers More? Men!Men love their lovers more in relation to others in their life. Several researchers at Yale University polled male and female participants from age 18 to 70 and asked, “Who do you like, and who do you love, most in your life?” The choices were lover (or spouse), best friend, parents, and siblings.Men, it turned out, loved and liked their lovers more than their best friends, whereas, with women, the rankings were about equal. Many women liked their best friends more than they liked their lovers!
Gentlemen, the next time your lover complains, “You men are so unromantic,” just show her these statistics and say “You know, dear, you have a good point. I’m sorry. I’ll try to be more romantic. I love you.”
:) :) :)
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Yulia Tymoshenko's style

Sienna Miller

Tymoshenko was an extremely important politician in the Orange Revolution of 2004, when her beauty was commented nearly as often as her role in bringing down the post-Soviet government in Ukraine.
The braid has become such a staple of her persona that her Web site features articles about it, including some claiming that the braid has influenced designers like Narciso Rodriguez and the actresses like Sienna Miller.
Yet the braid is not just a fashion statement. It is a calculated political tool with significant cultural resonance, one that has helped turn her into more than a candidate. To her supporters at least, she is regarded as a kind of Lady Liberty.
A braid is a traditional Ukrainian hairstyle, and by adopting it, Tymoshenko has been able to underline her nationalist credentials, drawing a contrast with her main opponents, who are more closely linked to Russia.
Tymoshenko has tried to play up that view with her other signature look, white clothing, which is intended to show her purity in the face of what she has called a corrupt political and business culture.
Tymoshenko's hair color has varied over the years, from dark to blond, but lately she seems to be keeping it almost as light as her clothing.
Still, she is regularly asked that most frivolous of questions: Is the braid real?
"Everything that I have is natural - braid, nails - I practically never use cosmetics," she once said at a news conference. "They often ask me in the provinces about my braid. Now, once and for all, I am going to lay to rest these rumors."
With that, in front of the cameras, she let her hair down, for all the world to see.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
The Snow Castle

A few days ago I was thinking about my childhood. We used to have really good times together with my brother, specially in winter. We used to spend as much time as possible outside, playing snowballs with our friends — girls against the guys, skating, making snowmen and snow castles. It was extremely happy time of our life. So... I decided to make the snow castle for my nephew Dimitri, as he is only 3 years old and cannot build it by himself.
The snow wasn't wet enough to make the castle easily, but we decided to do our best. My cousin and our friend from Ukraine helped me. Of course, the best helpers ever were Dima and Ivanka — Dima's «girl friend», if I can say like that:). We spent more than three hours bulding the castle for our prince and princess who couldn't wait it to be finished. They were extremely excited and kept saying: «Let's pretend we are in the tale about a prince and a princess!». Later on, when the castle was built we put the blue-and-yeloow umbrella on the top as well as the huge blanket instead of the roof. The constructors were too tired to do the roof, and as a result, they cheated a bit.
Dima and Ivanka were jumping like crazy when they came in there. We made two small shelves for snacks inside and put the wooden board on the wall telling them it's going to be their TV. It was funny, but the guys sat on their small chairs, took their chips and started watching TV. Their imagination helped them to watch their favourite cartoon «Diego» for more than half an hour. When I asked Dima if I may come in, he answered me very seriously: «Yes, Sanka, you may come in, but for a few minutes because you are too big for our house».
I was happy! I'd been for more than half a day back in my childhood. I'd met the real prince and princess on the backyard who were so happy that I understood the tale could become true sometimes...
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Once upon a time...
Sometimes on Sundays we are going to church with my cousin. We would like to go there every Sunday. Usually it happens twice a month though (we are lazy and want to sleep till late during weekends). We went to church today in the morning where the priest told people a very interesting story. I want to write it in my blog as I think it's a really useful one for us, guys...
Once upon a time... In a nice town with a lot of green trees and colourful flowers lived a man who worked at the construction company. You ask if there were construction companies at that time? Don't ask, please, but read till the end. The man was almost at his age to be retired. He was tired of his job and didn't want to work any more. He dreamt to be ritered as soon as possible. His job was really important because he built houses for people. Therefore, the better quality of his job, the happier people would be in the future as they had a good and warm house.
It was Monday... The manager of the construction company came to the man and asked him to build one more house - the last one before being retired. He told that this house would be a home for a family with 3 kids that are poor, and asked him to do his best while building.. The man was upset and with every minute he became more and more angry. "Why should I? Oh no, I'm fed p with everything! I want to have a rest", he thought. He couldn't say 'no' to his manager though, so he promised to build a good and nice house.
On Tuesday he started his last job. He didn't know at that time it will be important for him but not for other people. He wasn't enthusiastic about building that house. As a result, he used the cheapest materials and did everything very quickly. Till the the next week he finished the house. The manager was shocked. "Oh, good job! You must have been working really hard", he sad. "I have good news for you. " The man was happy to hear that. "What kind of news? Tell me, tell me, please! " "You were a really good worker, and you always worked so hard. Our company is thankful for your devotion to what you have been doing. We decided to make a present for you: here's the key of the new and nice house you have recently built." .
And now it's time for us to think about everything we are doing for other people. Very often we don't know that we are doing that for ourselves.